Saturday, March 20, 2010

GDI - Tips and Tricks

I mentioned one of my emails that projecting only five referrals can make you financially free. Yes, it was amazing proven and tested. But I will show tips and tricks another way to earn GDI income opportunity.

I will share with you of how we maximize GDI compensation plan.

GDI will pays you up to 5th level in case you don't know yet.

Here it is, I have five GDI accounts, let's say A, B, C, D and E.

A - my first account/main account
B - direct referral of A
C - direct referral of B
D - direct referral of C
E - direct referral of D

A receives $1.00 commission each from B, C, D and E total of $4.00,
B receives $1.00 commission each from C, D and E total of $3.00 and
C receives $1.00 commission each from D and E total of $2.00 and
D receives $1.00 commission from E monthly.

From E we start marketing the company because everytime you have signup within this level you earn $5.00.

For example:

If level E had 10 signups from a single month then E earns $10 as well as D, C, B, and A for a total of $50.00.

If for the next month E again gets another 10 singups than means you earn $50.00 plus $50 from the previous month and soon.

You see, you have 5 accounts but you only need to work on the 5th level because everybody down below to level A share the same commission of what level E earns every month.

And to tell you Alfredo Docena's account is my fith level.

You know this company really offers a truly residual income!!!

I hope this will help you and please feel free to leave your comments.

Take our 7-day trial for your evaluation

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